Reossification and Fusion Across the Acromioclavicular Joint After Arthroscopic Acromioplasty and Distal Clavicle Resection
Arthroscopic acromioplasty and distal clavicle resection has now become an accepted method of treatment for acromioclavicular (AC) joint arthritis. Complications following arthroscopic acromioplasty are relatively uncommon and include instrument breakage, hematoma, traction neuropathy, infection, acromial fracture, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and recurrence of symptoms. Although heterotopic ossification within the soft tissues has also been reported, complete reossification of the resected clavicle has not. We report a case of reossification of the clavicle and fusion across the AC joint following arthroscopic acromioplasty and distal clavicle resection.
(Arthroscopy; 17;9, 2001: E36, 1-3)